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Is Cottony Cushion Scale Killing Your Fruit Trees

Is cottony cushion scale killing your fruit trees? You’re not alone. This pesky pest has been tormenting fruit trees in residential and commercial landscapes, causing significant damage to both the trees and the yield they produce. In this article, we will explore what cottony cushion scale is, how to identify it, the damage it can cause, and effective methods to control and prevent it from killing your precious fruit trees.

What is Cottony Cushion Scale?

Cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi) is an invasive pest that primarily targets fruit trees. This insect was first discovered in Australia and has since spread to various parts of the world, including the United States. Characterized by its white, cotton-like egg sac, it can be easily identified when inspecting your trees.


  • Appearance: Adult females have reddish-brown bodies covered with white cotton-like wax. They measure about 3-5 mm and can stretch up to 10 mm when extended.
  • Eggs: The females produce egg sacs resembling fluff or a small tuft of cotton.
  • Young Nymphs: Small and yellowish-orange, these nymphs can be found feeding on leaves and branches.

The Impact of Cottony Cushion Scale on Fruit Trees

Is cottony cushion scale killing your fruit trees? If so, you need to understand the devastating impact this pest can have:

  • Reduced Photosynthesis: The thick layer of scales can hinder photosynthesis, leading to weakened trees.
  • Sooty Mold Growth: Cottony cushion scales excrete honeydew, which promotes sooty mold growth, further blocking sunlight.
  • Branch Dieback: Infested branches may die back due to stress and nutrient loss.
  • Fruit Drop: Affected trees often exhibit premature dropping of fruit, greatly reducing yield.

Effective Control and Prevention Methods

Effective control of cottony cushion scale is crucial to save your fruit trees. Here are some proven methods to keep these pests at bay:

Biological Control

  • Ladybugs: Introduce ladybugs as they naturally prey on cottony cushion scale.
  • Parasitic Wasps: Cryptochetum iceryae, a parasitic wasp, is highly effective in controlling these scales.

Chemical Control

  • Horticultural Oils: Apply horticultural oils to suffocate the scales without harming beneficial insects.
  • Insecticidal Soaps: Use insecticidal soaps to disrupt the insect’s protective coating.
  • Systemic Insecticides: In severe cases, systemic insecticides can be applied to the tree to target the pests internally.

Cultural Practices

  • Regular Monitoring: Inspect your fruit trees regularly to catch infestations early.
  • Proper Pruning: Pruning infested branches can help reduce the spread.
  • Sanitation: Remove fallen leaves and branches that may host overwintering scales.

How Salen’s Landscaping Can Help

Dealing with pest issues like cottony cushion scale can be daunting. Salen’s Landscaping, a family-owned business established in 1985, specializes in a variety of landscaping services to help protect and enhance your outdoor spaces.

  • Cleanup and Hauling
  • Tree and Shrub Removal and Hauling
  • Weed Removal and Hauling
  • Custom Concrete Work
  • Custom Masonry Work
  • Outdoor BBQ and Kitchens
  • Retaining Walls
  • Custom Decks and Rails
  • Custom Patio Covers
  • Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems
  • Soil Preparation Work for Planter Beds
  • Low Voltage Garden Lights

By choosing Salen’s Landscaping, you can secure expert help in removing these pests and preventing further infestation, thereby ensuring the health and productivity of your fruit trees. With over three decades of experience, Salen’s Landscaping provides both residential and commercial services to keep your outdoor spaces thriving.

For more information on managing cottony cushion scale and other landscaping needs, visit Salen’s Landscaping today. Don’t let pests ruin your beautiful fruit trees; secure expert help and enjoy a lush, productive garden.

For more information about cottony cushion scale, you can visit Wikipedia.

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  • Cleanup And Hauling
  • Tree – Shrub Removal And Hauling
  • Debris, Dirt, Rocks, Weed Removal And Hauling
  • Concrete, Asphalt, Bricks, Pavers Removal And Hauling
  • Pool Demolition And Back Filling
  • Grading Work
  • Solid And Perforated (French) Drainage Systems
  • Custom Concrete Work-Broom Finish, Colored Stamped, Salt Finish, Wet Look Sealing
  • Landscape Borders-Concrete, Bricks, Epic Boards, Bender Boards, Etc
  • Custom Brick Patios, Walks, Walls, Etc
  • Custom Masonry Work
  • Outdoor BBQ And Kitchens
  • Outdoor Fire Pits
  • Pavers, Slate, Flagstone Patios And Walkways
  • Retaining Walls -Concrete, Stackable, Bricks, Stone, Etc
  • Custom Decks And Rails-Wood, Trex, Composite, Etc
  • Custom Patio Covers-Alumawood, Durawood, Redwood, Etc
  • All Types Of Fencing – Wood, Iron, Chain Link, Concrete, Etc
  • Sprinkler And Irrigation Systems
  • Soil Preparation Work For Planter Beds, Lawn, Etc
  • Tree And Shrub Planting
  • Decorative Rock, Decomposed Granite, Mulch And Bark Installation
  • Low Voltage Garden Lights
  • Ponds, Waterfall Design And Construction
  • Electrical Work
  • Installation Of Sod, Hydro-Seeding, Hand Seeding
  • Artificial Turf And Putting Green Installation